HIVOs and Oxfam NOVIB has committed 1.3 billion Ugandan shillings to boost the electoral monitoring process in the Rwenzori region, west Nile, Soroti, and Gulu. This was revealed by Mr. James Mwirima the coordinator of the project while closing two day training for election observers. Mr. James Mwirima said that he was delighted to have received funding to the tune of 1.3 Billion Uganda Shillings from the two development partners HIVOS and OXFAM NOVIB to facilitate monitoring of the electoral process in Uganda. The coordinator was very grateful to the timely contribution from the development partners and promised to put the money to good use.
In his brief communication Mr. James Mwirima re-emphasized the need for the neutrality of observers while monitoring elections. He warned them not to conflict with the law. He argued the observers to provide daily updates about elections to their respective focal persons or directly to the website which has been created by RIC-NET to enhance the information sharing about electoral process. To this, Rwenzori Information Centers Network (RICNET) will provide serialized phone numbers to all observers to facilitate the communication process. It was further revealed that RWECO secretariat was going to be revamped with two more staffs to help in the running affairs of the secretariat.
On its part, RWECO is handling the issue of accreditations of its observers with the electoral commission.
As part of the campaign to access electoral process information, regional data centers will be established in Fort portal for the western region, Gulu for the Northern region and Mbale for the Eastern region to relay regular update on elections.
The observers will be expected to attend rallies as part of the campaign to popularize the citizens Manifesto. To this they are required not only to attend all campaign rallies but even meetings at sub county level and facilitate debates between the aspiring candidates.
The coordinator ended with a strong warning to the observers to avoid reporting unverified claims for this will be of an embarrassment to the organisation. The observers, who were working with the electoral commission in any capacity, campaign agents, political assistants were told to resign immediately for they will not be tolerated as observers. With much emphasis on neutrality of election observers, Mr. James warned observers against wearing party colours, corruption and bribery noting that these compromise the integrity of the organisation
A good step for the civil society in Uganda to partner with Hivos and Oxfam Novib in ensuring that the grassroots citizens participate in monitoring the forthcoming 2011 presidential and parliamentary elections in Uganda with a citiznes voice. With this funding from donor agencies, its my conviction that RWECO and her partners will be a learning team in shaping election processes in Uganda. Cheers!!!! Jimmy O, B, The Hague, The Netherlands